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Leyla Qadir qızı Məcidova
Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti
tarix üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru


Açar sözlər: zəfər tarixi, müharibə, düşmən, saxta xəbərlər, ərazi iddiaları, düşmənçilik 

From the history of Azerbaijan Karabakh victory
Nagorno-Karabakh, one of the ancient cultural centre of Azerbaijan, is generally a part of Karabakh area. Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous region was founded in 4,4 thousand  km2 area of the mountainous part of Karabakh during the Soviet power in 1923. So, the basis of separatism was founded in this area. The main problem was that a group of armenians, who were moved here in the XVIII century, claimed that they possess these areas. Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict started with armenians' claims for Azerbaijan lands and provacations in the ethnic backgrounds in 1988. Armenians of Soviet Union representations, Armenian leader of SSRI power and the foreign Armenian diaspora began active work to unite Nagorno Autonomous region with Armenian, using the weakening condition of central power of Armenian SSRI at the beginning of 1980 years.   
Key words: victory history, war, enemies, fake news, territorial claims, hostility

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