Elmi iş - 2024
Татьяна Николаевна Березовикова
Академия музыки, театра и изобразительных искусств
доктор философии по искусствоведению, профессор
Ключевые слова: сюита, партита, цикл, оркестр, тембр, концерт, традиционные инструменты
Orchestral suite in the work of Moldovan composers
This article is a brief overview of the genre of the orchestral suite in the works of the composers of the Republic of Moldova. The history of the orchestral suite in Moldova from its beginnings to the present day has 100 years old. During this time, it has undergone certain transformations, while retaining its main qualities: the brightness of the musical language and timbre embodiment. The article notes the variety of performing ensembles for which suites are written: these are symphonic, chamber, string, pop and jazz orchestra, orchestra of folk instruments. Special attention is paid to the introduction of nationally characteristic instruments (nai, fluier, caval, taragot, cymbals) into the classic orchestras. One of the aspects is the manifestation of the features of the instrumental concert in the suite cycles.
Key words: suite, partita, cycle, orchestra, timbre, concerto, traditional instruments
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