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Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Bitki Mühafizə və Texniki Bitkilər Elmi Tədqiqat İnstitutu
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Açar sözlər:pambıq bitkisi, sort, bitki sıxlığı, gübrə normaları, suvarma rejimi, aqrotexnika, məhsuldarlıq

Optimal growing technology of new certificated variety"Ganja-160"
Cotton is very valuable technical crop. This crop keeps its strategical significance still its cultivation.
In order to produce high yields of new certificated cotton varieties while maintaining their potential by cultivating them for a long period of time in production, it is necessary to properly analyze their biological characteristics, soil and climatic conditions, i.e. plant density, irrigation regime and fertilizer norms. As a result of research, it became clear that increasing yield and improving its quality products depends not only on the variety, but also on the agrotechnical measurements provided to get it. So, if the agronomic technology of cultivation of each variety is not known, productivity gradually decreases, quality indicators deteriorate and the variety loses its properties. The research work had been conducted in 2018-2019 in Ganja-Kazakh region with the variety "Ganja-160" at 2 plant densities – 60x15-1 and 60x20-1 plants, 2 fertilizer norms – N90P100, N120P100 kg of active substance and at 2 irrigation regimes 65-65-65%; 70-70-65%. At the results of the research, it is defined that when introducing N90P100 kg/ha (active substance) 60 x 15-1plant density and 65-65-65% irrigation regime it was received 39,2 sent/ha of yield in an average.

Key words: cotton, variety, plant density, fertilizer norms, irrigation regime, agricultural, technology, productiveness 

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [162,74 Kb] (yüklənib: 77)

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