2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Arxiv


Fakhraddin Khanmirzayev

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prophilaxy 

named V.Akhundov

Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine

Shahla Janahmadova

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prophilaxy 

named V.Akhundov

Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine

Gulnar Bandalizade

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prophilaxy 

named V.Akhundov

Gulnara Aliyeva

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prophilaxy 

named V.Akhundov

Surayya Vakilova

Scientific Research Institute of Medical Prophilaxy 

named V.Akhundov

Investigation of allergic reactions in helminthiasis


Identification and characterization of allergens associated with helminth infestations is important. These allergens belong to common allergens and have different biological functions. The activity of some allergens associated with helminth infestations has been studied and it has been determined that during helminth infestations, various substances are produced in the host's body, and some of them stimulate the synthesis of specific IgE, and a few of them cause allergic reactions.

The activity of allergens associated with helminth infestations (the ability to induce IgE-mediated inflammation) has been studied clinically and experimentally. In several epidemiological studies, it has been established that IgE response to helminths is a risk factor for asthma and atopy (i.e. susceptibility to allergies). Revision of existing diagnostic methods and standards of allergic processes in helminthiasis, and research on molecular mechanisms of metabolism of allergens related to helminth infestations should be continued.

   Keywords: Helminthiasis, immune system, antigens, allergy, IgE

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [388,2 Kb] (yüklənib: 53)

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