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Aygün Akif qızıAbbasova
Bakı Slavyan Universiteti


Key words: development and preservation of cultural identity, linguistic education, pedagogical conditions, tolerance
Açar sözlər: mədəni kimliyin inkişafı və qorunması, dil təhsili, pedaqoji şərait, tolerantlıq
Ключевые слова: развитие и сохранение культурной самобытности, лингвистическое образование, педагогические условия, толерантность

The twenty first century puts forward new challenges for the linguistic or language education system. Language education becomes linguocultural and determines the tendency to learn native and foreign lan­guages in close connection with culture. Understanding of modern trends in linguistic education, on the one hand, in the context of globalization, on the other hand, in the conditions of the necessary preservation of national and ethnic identity is a necessary prerequisite for the development of society. The value orientations of linguistic education include the preservation of national and ethno-cultural identity; the formation of a tolerant attitude to representatives of other cultures, to cultural and linguistic differences; the development of abilities to intercultural and inter-linguistic interaction with representatives of other cultures. Today the identity of learners affects their motivation, as it is a way of change to understand the social world around them. It is clear that cultural identity has an important effect on education system and should be taken into consideration while teaching and learning.

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