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DOI: 10.36719/AEM/2007-2020/52/108-113
Nofаl Chаrkаzzаdе
İstanbul Aydın University
[email protected]

Dr. Öğr. Üyеsi M. Аdil Sаlеpçioğlu


Key words: Occupational Health and Safety, Work accident, Motivation, Manager, Expectations of managers, Motivation of managers
Açar sözlər: İş Sağlamlığı və Təhlükəsizliyi, İş qəzası, Motivasiya, İdarəçi, İdarəçilərin gözləntiləri, İdarəçilərin motivasiyası
Ключевые слова: Здоровье и безопасность труда, мотивация,управляющий, ожидания управляющих 

With its management performance, the manager is a visionary and strategic thinker who determines the direction that the business will go in. It is the key name for a company to survive, develop, grow and achieve sustainable success in the competitive environment. People in managerial positions have the opportunity to create an environment in which they will demonstrate their talents and skills and achieve success. Successful and stable organization is a great source of motivation for managers, but it is important to emphasize that they are the first to be held responsible for failure of the company. Managing the majority of the company's general operational lines is the job of the managers. In this context, the motivation of the manager affects the direct work and its decisions. With this study, the level of occupational health and safety of the neglected managers affected by the events, Occupational health and safety of the kind of responses and feedback will give the managers of the interview will try to explain the interview technique. In addition, it was determined by the employer to determine the quality of the health services provided to the employees, to contribute to the solution of the problems encountered and to contribute to the scientific knowledge and to influence the policies related to the health services to be given to the employees. Although there is considerable progress in occupational health and safety, shortcomings in occupational health and safety have been a major problem for many years. These problems sometimes cause major traumas in the studies. The first condition for helping such employees is to determine the extent to which they are affected by such incidents and to identify their problems is expected to be a good key for solutions.

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