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Gulnoz Yunus Sattorova
The Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature an Folklore
Of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan,


Key words: literature, relationships, globalization, storytelling, typology, national identity  
Açar sözlər: ədəbiyyat, münasibətlər, qloballaşma, nəql, tipologiya, milli uyğunluq
Ключевые слова: литература, отношения, глобализация, повествование, типология, национальная идентичность

The process of globalization have a profound effect on the economy and politics of all countries, as well as on national cultural aspects. This process is changing the inner and outer nature of every nation.
The changing world as a result of globalization, the individual, the problems that arise in the life of every nation as a result of its influence; news about what is happening; one of the most important tasks of literary criticism is the reflection of the contemporary image of those who are in search of solutions to their problems, from one side, in the literacy literature, from the other side, in the literacy process, from the scientific point of view.
Although works of art are created in a particular language, over time, they also “move” to other languages, inviting different nations to kindness and mutual love. For the original works of literature, time and place cannot be maintained. For them, religious beliefs and boundaries between countries can never be the “Great Chinese Wall” because they embodied the divine miracle power of the word.

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