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Aytac Tahir Cahangirova
Baku State University


Key wordsuser-generated content, types of user-generated content, copyrightable content 
Açar sözlər: istifadəçi tərəfindən yaradılan kontent, istifadəçi tərəfindən yaradılan kontentin tipləri, müəlliflik hüququ ilə qorunan kontent 
Anahtar kelimeler: kullanıcı tarafından oluşturulan içerik, kullanıcı tarafından oluşturulan içerik türleri, telif hakkıyla korunan içerik

Today, the important role of technology in our lives has raised some issues. The most important of these issues is the legal fate of the content we create as users. To clarify this issue, it is necessary to first examine the general concept of user-generated content. The main purpose of this article is to identify the types and main features of user-generated content. Only after analyzing them can the questions that arise about copyright be answered. 
It would be useful to analyze user-generated content according to words which form this term. More technically, “User” is the computer and Internet user. It can be an amateur, as the common conception of UGC prefers, but, also professionals within the scope of their activity (Soliman, 2011-2012: p. 286). This notion for user cover every detail about user.

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