Elmi iş - 2024
Nərgiz Səməd qızı Səlimova
Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti
Açar sözlər: jarqon, arqo, ümumxalq dili, ədəbi dil, leksik vahidlər
The concepts of "jargon" and "argo" in Azerbaijani lexicology
The common language unites the entire lexical composition of the national language, includes all its layers, from active vocabulary to passive, from common lexical units to words used in a particular environment, in the speech of a certain stratum or group of people. The latter include slang words. In Azerbaijani lexicology, there is no definite, well-established approach to jargon, since this layer of the language has not yet been studied. Jargonisms, like many other "-isms", are not commonly used, but they are part of the common language, are an integral part of the national language and require close attention, since they, being used in fictions, perform an important function of speech characteristics of heroes.
Key words: jargon, argo, common language, literary language, lexical units
Baxış: 1952