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Türkanə Barat qızı Qəhrəmanlı
Azərbaycan Texniki Universitetinin

Açar sözlər: Elektroqastroenteroqrafiya, qeyri-stasionar siqnallar, elektrofizioloji siqnallar, kompüter emalı, Veyvlet-çevirmə, tezlik modulyasiyası, veyvlet Morle funksiyası

Analysis of electrogastroenterographic signals using the computer method
Electrogastroenterography is a field that studies the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Electrophysiological signals contain artifacts that are not directly related to the activity of the organism, and the filtration of such artifacts is an important issue. Electrogastroenterography is a field that studies the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. This method is associated with radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy. In these methods, electrical signals are taken from the surface of the abdominal cavity. For this purpose, the issues of elimination of artifactors, processing and analysis of signals on the example of electrogastroenterograms for processing and measurement of electrophysiological signals were considered.
Keywords:Electrogastroenterography, non-stationary signals, electrophysiological signals, computer processing, wavelet conversion, frequency modulation, wavelet Morle function

Baxış: 761