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Əli Umud oğlu Əliyev
ADPU Ağcabədi filialı
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, baş müəllim


Açar sözlər: sözün kəsəri, sözün deyilişi, vurğu, yanlış tələffüz, intonsiya, fasilə, durğu, nitqin canı, qanı, nəfəsi, modallıq
Stress in the modern Azerbaijani literary language
The mental perfection, way of thinking and conscious existence of the human race is realized mainly through its language. In language constructio intonation, punctuation and emphasis, as well as a number of factors, are the main tools. That is why this topic is always on the agenda. The meaning of the word is reflected in the speech process. Language is used in the speech process. The meaning of the word is reflected in the speech process
Keywords: word fraction, pronunciation, stress, mispronunciation, intonation, pause, punctuation, the soul of the speech, its blood, its breath, the modality 

Baxış: 695