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Teybə Aslan qızı Əfəndiyeva
ADPU Şamaxı filialı


Acar sözlər: İnkişaf, psixologiya, problem, ailə, sosial, sistem, münasibətlər, daxili, rollar

The study of psychological problems of developmental 
stages of the family in modern times
The family is an integral part of society. More precisely, the family can be called the primary social group. We know that the family is a key component of the social structure of any society, performs various social functions and plays a key role in the development of society. As the society developed socio-economically and culturally in the ups and downs of the historical process, the family developed along with it and gained new features. Let's look at some definitions of the family in modern encyclopedias and dictionaries: The family is a small group based on marriage or blood relationship. Its members are connected to each other by domestic unity, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance. The innovations of each stage of family development, the immediate development zone and the possible forms of fixation or regression in the family development are all given in separate stages of development. The highlighted stages not only reflect the social changes in the family, but also the changes in life goals, values and social roles of family members through their prism.
Keywords: Development, psychology, problem, family, social, system, relationships, internal, roles

Baxış: 662