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Aytən Ziyatxan qızı Əliyeva
Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti


Açar sözlər: tavromakiya terminləri, ədəbiyyat, öküz, torero, məfhum

The concept of “bull” and “bullfighter” in Spanish literature
The article reflects the views of Spanish writers and poets who are fans of bullfighting. The authors spoke about the importance of bullfighting in Spanish culture and literature. The works written about bullfighting are investigated. The article especially deals with the concepts of “bull” and “bullfighter” from the lexical units of bullfighting, widely used in Spanish literature. Based on examples from the authors, the place of the concepts of “bull” and “bullfighter” in Spanish thought is explored. In the works, the bull is metaphorically described as “wild”, “strong”, “dangerous”, “quick”, “brave”. The characteristics of the bullfighters, such as “proud”, “handsome”, “brave”, “winner”, “professional person who earns good money", “famous” in Spanish thought, are also successfully reflected in the works of Spanish authors.

Key words: terms of bullfighting, literature, bull, bullfighter, concept

Baxış: 540