Arkinaz Rahimova
Nakhchivan Agricultural Research Institute
named after Academician H. A. Aliyev
Study of the Distribution Zones of Regional Apple Varieties Cultivated in the Conditions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
and the Diseases Observed in Them
The article studies the high-yielding, frost-resistant, disease- and pest-resistant, stone fruit varieties cultivated in the Ordubad and Sharur regions. Phenological observations were conducted on the discovered varieties, and promising varieties were selected and increased. It was observed that apple, pear, and quince varieties cultivated in those zones were resistant to frost, disease, and pests. For this reason, it is appropriate to widely increase apple plants in the villages located in the mountain and foothill zones of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
Keywords: productivity, phenological observation, selection, plant hybridization, seedling, confectionery