Elmi iş - 2024
Nazilə Əli qızı Quliyeva
Beyləqan şəhər 4 nömrəli tam orta məktəb
Açar sözlər: Natəvan, fədakar ana, talesiz qadın, şeir, qəzəl, dövrandan şikayət, ədəbi məclis
On the life and artistic activity of Khurshidbanu Natavan
Khurshidbanu Natavan is remembered in the history of Azerbaijani literature and culture as a lyric poet and artist. He began his artistic career in the 1950s, when most of the poems he wrote under the name “Khurshid” disappeared, only a small part has survived. From 1870, the poetess took the nickname “Natavan” (helpless, weak, sick) and created ghazals with deep content. His poems were spoken during his lifetime and spread among his contemporaries in the form of manuscripts. As it is known from his pseudonym, Khurshidbanu came to our poem with an anxious inspiration and a complaining spirit.
As in Fuzuli, in his lyrics, joy and sorrow are united. Standing behind these contradictions, the poet sought the deep philosophical meaning of social contradictions, tried to reveal the essence of the causes of justice and injustice, happiness and misery. Realizing that there is a big gap between his dreams and the realities of life, Natavan could not reconcile with the laws of society and nature, nor with creation.
Key words: Natavan, selfless mother, unfortunate woman, poem, ghazal, complaint about the cycle, literary meeting
Baxış: 616