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Rafail Ayvaz oğlu Əhmədli
fəlsəfə elmləri doktoru, professor
Lalə Yaşar qızı Əhmədova
Azərbaycan Dövlət Bədən Tərbiəsi və İdman Akademiyası
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent


Açar sözlər: dövlət, intibahına, humanizm, mənəvi kamillik, insanpərvərlik, şahlıq, xeyirxahlıq, ədalət 

The problem of justice in the works of Nizami Gancavi
The article discusses the creation of the image of a cust ruler in the “Khamsa” of Nizami Gancavi in the 12th century, who made an invaluable contribution to the revival of Azerbaican, including world culture. It also discusses the development of the ideas of statehood from the perspective of humanism and the important achievements of Azerbaican’s socio-philosophical thought. At the same time, in all his works, the great thinker focused his attention on the problem of moral perfection, hard work and philanthropy. In addition to other high moral qualities, he drew attention to the problem of a cust ruler and an ideal political structure. For him, the main features of a cust ruler are decency and humanism. According to Nizami, virtue is the one who serves his people and on this basis, he called the rulers of his time to custice. He believed that, in a conscious human society, the main task of the state and its leader is to ensure public confidence in the authorities and restore custice. According to the poet, oppression should not be included in the sphere of the state, otherwise the prosperity of such a state will not last long.
Key words: state, renaissance, humanism, spiritual perfection, humanity, sovereignty, kindness, custice

Baxış: 993