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Tərlan Əliş qızı Əliyeva
ADPU Ağcabədi filialı
 baş müəllim


Açar sözlər: Azərbaycan dili, morfologiya, tarixilik, dilin müasir vəziyyəti, alınma sözlər, söz yaradıcılığı, şəkilçilər, tarixi komentariya

Opportunities to use historical comments in teaching morphology
Our language reflects the historical memory, traditions, ethnic and moral views of our people and so on. it is our invaluable spiritual wealth that always lives in us. One of the main tasks of the Azerbaijani language is to educate the young generation in the spirit of love for our national and spiritual resources, ancient history, loyalty to our people and, most importantly, knowledge of the subtleties of the language, using these inexhaustible opportunities.
When using historical comments as a tool in the process of teaching the morphology of the Azerbaijani language in the acquisition of grammatical forms regulated by a number of intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic events that are difficult to comprehend, students gain more information about the morphological structure of our language. The use of historical comments in Azerbaijani language lessons should be done systematically.
The advantages of referring to its ancient and rich history in the study of the modern state of language are reflected in the correct definition of the morphological structure of the language. We can even point out the importance of commenting on the history of writing in the teaching of the alphabet. In the process of teaching morphology, we can note the importance of commentary in the deep mastery of individual speech senses.
The study of morphological features of the Azerbaijani language is based on the principle of history. Because the goal is to instill in today's young generation some information about the history of our language.
Key words: Azerbaijani language, morphology, history, modern state of language, derivations, word creation, suffixes, historical commentary

Baxış: 610