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Тарлан Мухтадыр оглу Гамидов
Бакинский государственный университет


Ключевые слова: следственные действия, психологический контакт, допрос, цель установления психологического контакта, характеристика сторон психологического контакта

Psychological contact in producing investigative actions

The aim of proceeding investigative actions is obtaining information. For approaching this aim various tactical and tactical-psychological techniques can be used. Particular importance is given to psychological contact as a favorable environment for producing both certain investigative actions and criminal investigation as a whole. It is noteworthy that making psychological contact is considered most often in the frame of producing investigative actions that are verbal in nature. We believe that the problem of making and, what is not less important, maintaining psychological contact should be con sidered more widely and extended to the whole investigation of the entire criminal case.
Key wordspsychological contactinterrogationthe aim of making psychological contact, characteristics of the parties to the psychological contact

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