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Kəmalə Ərəstun qızı Sadıqova
AMEA Dendrologiya İnstitutu
kiçik elmi işçi
Ləman İlqar qızı Mustafayeva
AMEA Dendrologiya İnstitutu


Açar sözlər: Artemisia absinthium L., çoxillik, morfologiya, efir yağı, çıxma faizi, ekoloji amillər

Morphological features and ether oil of the Artemicia Absinthium L. 
The presented article provides information on the morphological features and essential oil of Artemisia absinthium L., introduced in Absheron and cultivated in cultural conditions. The study compared the morphological characteristics of the same age species grown in different parts of the collection area of the Institute of Dendrology (sunny and shady parts) and the amount of essential oil extracted from the leaves by month (February-May). It was found that the plant grown in the sunny part, despite having a large number of branches and a large umbrella, is weaker than the plant growing in the shady part due to its growth. Even though the morphological characteristics of the surface organs of the same species grown in different parts are different, the normal conduct of the developmental stages of the season allows this plant to fully adapt to the conditions of Absheron. In the study, the essential oil obtained from the species varies depending on environmental factors, the growing season, and it is more economically expedient to obtain essential oil from plants growing in sunny areas. Artemisia absinthium L., known as fodder and essential oil medicinal plant in the flora of Azerbaijan, has a perennial, decorative appearance and perspective importance, so it is expedient to cultivate it in Absheron and use it in landscaping some areas.
Key words: Artemisia absinthium L., multiplicity, morphology, essential oil, yield percentage, environmental factors

Baxış: 856