Elmi iş - 2024
Xalidə Qələndər qızı İsmayılova
Bakı, Azərbaycan
Açar sözlər: Məmməd, Araz, şeir, söz, poeziya, bəşər, ovqat, dünya, qadın, lirizm, təlatüm, idrak, fəlsəfəMammad Araz peak of our poetry
The main directions of the poem by Mammad Araz draw attention; the essence is solved on the basis of the material of actual life, moves on the basis of documents. The events are comprehensive in his poetic work, the figurative beings are polished more honestly and hotly in the author's own objects. Readers can see clearly how Mammad Araz poetry stands in the fortune, how the fortune exists in the poems and how the process branches out in two directions in this mood. In the result, a reader takes a lesson and makes a conclusion for himself. Let’s say so, he tries to understand what troubles a man can face for an elementary mistake.
That’s why, Mammad Araz poetry is a great lesson for nowadays and next generation
Key words: Mammad Araz, poem, word, poetry, mankind, mood, world, woman, lyricism, alarm, cognition, philosophy
Baxış: 556