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SədaqətSədrəddin qızı Camıyeva
Əkinçilik Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutu


Açar sözlər: at paxlası, zülal, yağ, nəmlik, keyfiyyət, məhsuldarlıq

Study  of quality indicators in horse bean varieties
Nutrition is the most important natural factor in human health. In  modern times humanity often faces the malnutrition worldwide. At present, many countries of the world are making new contributions to breeding. They cultivate many plants in this direction and select the best and most valuable species and varieties. Plant products are utilized as food, forage, and raw materials in the light industry. From this point of view,  study of horse beans  is important. Horse beans are easy to grow. Amino acids, proteins, and vitamins in their composition are well absorbed by the human body. Humans get their plant protein from bread, which is part of their daily diet. This means less calories and more protein.
The creation of new products is of particular interest. From this point of view, the research work on this topic is relevant and demand of the day. Quality indicators in the nursery resistant to ascochitosis (FBIABN): protein in FLIP16-029FB was 32.9%, fat in  FLIP17-045FB was 6.90% and the highest humidity was found in FLIP17-045FB-13.9%. Oil yield showed variation between 0.27-3.13% (c/ha), protein yield showed variation between 2.6–16.6% (c/ ha), yield showed variation between 10,0-50.9(c/ha). In the nursery resistant to chocolate spot disease (FBICSN), protein indicators in Rebeya 40 were 30.4%. Oil content in Rebeya 40 was 8.37%. Humidity indicators showed 13.5%. Oil  content showed variation between 0.34-2.70% (c/ha), protein yield  between 2.55-9.4% (c/ha), yield varied between 10.0-47.5(c/ha).Quality indicators in mechanical harvesting nursery (FBIMHN): protein in FLIP 16-214 was (27.6%). Oil content in FLIP17-055FB was 5.39%. Humidity indicators in FLIP17-055 FB were 17.1%. Oil yield showed variation between 0.27-1.84% (c/ha), protein yield showed vatiation between 1.02-9.94% (c/ha), productivity showed variation between 6.0-39.9% (c/ha). In the seeds of the studied varieties, between productivity and oil yield per hectare, r = 0.983**, productivity and protein yield per hectare, r = 0.962** positive correlation was observed. From this dependence, it is possible to create high-yield and-quality varieties by breeding.

Key words: horse bean, protein, fat, humidity, quality, yield

Baxış: 675