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DOI: 10.36719/2707-1146/05/30-32
Günay İsfəndiyar qızı Sadıqova
Gəncə Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: ekskursiya metodunun tədris prosesi, canlılıq, yeni təlim texnologiyalarının tətbiqi, təhsilin keyfiyyəti, təlimin  forması, təlimin metodları, metodunun inkişafı və yayılması

Organization of school excursions in biology 
The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of excursions in the lives of students and schoolchildren. The excursion is one of the main forms of educational work. The excursion is one of the main forms of educational work. The tour is conducted according to the school program. The tour is conducted in a group to make it more interesting. Excursions also contribute to the development of polytechnic education, as they give students the opportunity to get acquainted with production, use scientific information in industry and agriculture. From this it can be concluded that excursions occupy a very important place in the life of both schoolchildren and students.

Key words: the process of teaching the method of excursion, the principle of vitality, teaching process, introduction of new learning technologies, quality of education, form of training, teaching methods, development and dissemination of the method 

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