Təbiət və elm 2024
Günel Gündüz qızı Əmirova
Mingəçevir Turizm Kolleci
Açar sözlər: müalicəvi naftalan nefti, fraksiyalar, naften karbohidrogenləri, distilləNaftalan healing oil
Naphthalan oil is a unique therapeutic factor that has no analogues in the whole world. The healing properties of naphthalan, a special type of oil, have been known to medicine for over 600 years, and are successfully used in the treatment of various diseases. The uniqueness of naphthalan is manifested in its biological effect on the body. Today there are two naphthalan deposits in the world, on which resorts are built - Naftalan in Azerbaijan and Naftalan in Croatia, founded in 1989. The spectrum of use of this therapeutic oil is so wide that it is rightly considered a medical phenolmenon in the field of modification naftalan oil is an anti-inflammatory, folliculin-like, pain-reducing, softening, easy-to-use and low-cost drug. Naftalan oil is a unique natural medicine for its biological qualities, it is not a fuel, it is not found anywhere in the world with such characteristics.
Key words: therapeutic naphthalene oil, fractions, naphthenic hydrocarbons, distillation
Baxış: 641