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Ирада Иман гызы Ганбарова
Азербайджанский университет языков
старший преподаватель


Açar sözlər: şəkilçilər, öm şəkilçilər, şivə, ləhcə, quruluş, bölmək, ayırmaq, kök 

Morphological structure of words in Modern English
In the article “Morphological structure of words in Modern English” the author conducted research on the study of the Morphological structure of words in the process of learning Modern English. In this article, the author describes the morphological structure of the word. They are: 1) simple words; 2) compound words; 3) words that consist of the same root and never change their meaning; 4) words that are obscured by various additions to the derivative; 5) words formed with the help of various suffices; 6) affixes that change the form of the word; 7) abbreviations. 
A morpheme is a small part of a word. A morpheme has an independent meaning. A morpheme can be considered the root of the word. The word itself cannot be considered a morpheme. Affixes are divided into prefixes and suffixes. Both – prefixes and suffixes can change the meaning of the word.  
Key words: suffix, prefix, accent, structure, participate, separate, base 

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