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Nazilə Əli qızı Quliyeva
Beyləqan şəhər 4 nömrəli tam orta məktəb

Açar sözlər: Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı, sərbəst şeir, ənənə, novatorluq, səpkili şeir, Rəsul Rza, poema, vəzn, daxili qafiyə

Rasul Rza's creativity as the beginning of the tradition of free poetry in Azerbaijani literature
There was a certain tradition of free poetry in Azerbaijan until the 20th century. In the Middle Ages, along with the chain of eruz poetry, the increase of syllable rhythms is also a concrete practical indicator of the poem's internal struggle for liberation. The beginning of the stage of free poetry in the twentieth century was the logical result of centuries-old processes of liberation in Azerbaijani poetry. People's poet Rasul Rza's contribution to the transformation of free poetry into a special stage of development in Azerbaijani literature is unparalleled.
The literary process, marked by the transition to figurative poetic thinking since the late 1950s, is enrichhed with a number of new forms and elements of expression that define the innovative direction of poetry.
Since the early 1960s, our poetry has been characterized by a method of figurative-associative expression, the first examples of intellectual beginnings, which should be considered as a new form of return to tradition. Different forms of associative artistic thinking, which we find in folk poetry, especially in bayats and in our classical poetry, begin to acquire a new essence in the second half of the twentieth century with their rebirth in poetry.
In the process of this development, the main factors determining R.Rza's creativity are the departure from rhetorical pathos, pathetic expression, the transition to concrete, figurative, and then associative thinking, and innovative qualities.
Key words: Azerbaijani literature, free poetry, tradition, innovation, style poetry, Rasul Rza, poem, weight, inner rhyme

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