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Alxan Sərxan oğlu Quluzadə
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: birbaşa xarici investisiya, qeyri-neft sektoru, investisiya mühiti, xarici investisiyaların qorunması, investisiya siyasəti

Directions for attracting foreign investment in the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan
The purpose of attracting foreign investment in the non-oil sector is to reduce and gradually eliminate dependence on oil revenues. However, foreign investment does not go to production, but to non-profit areas such as construction and warehousing. Azerbaijan offers tax rates and customs duties to foreign investors. However, gaps in the legislative and legal system do not escape the attention of foreign investors. Foreign investors make investment decisions after assessing the economic and political situation in the country. Reforms in the economy and the legal system in recent years will be the basis for increasing foreign investment in the non-oil sector. One of the government's goals in the Strategic Roadmap for National Economic Development until 2025 was to "increase the share of foreign investment in the non-oil sector in GDP to 4 percent." Investments by Turkish companies in the non-oil sector of our country have long outpaced investments in other countries, except for a few years. In particular, investments in Azerbaijan's non-oil sector came from Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, France and Germany. However, the volume of investments from Russian and Swiss companies has recently increased. Countries with developed infrastructure attract investors faster. Investors consider such countries as countries with a favorable investment climate. Therefore, it is necessary to form a developed infrastructure in our country and eliminate the shortcomings in the industry. Many factories are unable to operate at full capacity and bring the product to the final product stage due to lack of raw materials, auxiliary equipment and materials. 
Key words: foreign direct investment, non-oil sector, investment environment, protection of foreign investments, investment policy

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