2024 Əli Umud oğlu Əliyev
ADPU Ağcabədi filialı
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, baş müəllim
Açar sözlər:Hər oxuyan, molla, Pənah, Vaqif, milli şair, xəlqi, Şuşa, Saatlı məhəlləsi, İbrahimxəlil xan, Musa Kəlimullah, Əli Gəlibəri, Turan dünyası
“Böyük şairimiz Molla Pənah Vaqif XVIII əsrdə şeir dilini xalq dilinə daha da yaxınlaşdırdı. Onun yazdığı şeirləri xalqın bütün təbəqələri həm anlaya, həm də qavraya bildi, həm də sevdi. Beləliklə, o, Azərbaycan şeirində yeni bir yol açdı”.
Heydər Əliyev
Each reader is not Mollah Panah
The strength of poetry by Mollah Panah Vagif is not only for the closeness to the people, or for nationality and the sweetness of language style, but also for universal characteristic features. Mollah Panah Vagif is one of the outstanding persons who has great value both in his living period, next centuries and nowadays too. His literary works are not only the beginning of Renaissance period of our national poetry, but also founded the basis of new literary school having a talent of showing reality. Mollah Panah Vagif's literary works play a lighthouse role for his followers. This literary school was the realism of our national-people poetry. This reality is our today's victory for our motherland. When we watch Mollah Panah Vagif's literary works through the mirror of XXI century, we can see that he has been risen to the peak of modernity of poetic talent. The main fact of this peak is Vagif's realism, his universal feelings, his accuracy and being laconic. Reflecting deep meanings with few words by poet is the basis of this work. That is the obvious example of the poet's high talent.
Key words: each reader, mollah, Panah, Vagif, national poet, people, Shushah, Saatli estates, Ibrahimkhalil khan, Musah Kalimullah, Ali Galibari, Turan world
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