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Кулаш Нурбергеновна Мамирова
доктор философии по педагогике, и.о. профессора
Казахский национальный женский педагогический университет

Ключевые слова: студентоцентрированное обучение, концепция студентоцентри-рованного обучения, принципы и методы студентоцентрированного обучения, система ожидаемых результатов обучения, жизненные навыки и компетенции.

Principles and methods of student-centered learning (SCL)
The concept of student-centered learning is based on the following provisions: student in the center of learning, emphasis on active rather than passive learning; emphasis on critical and analytical learning and understanding; interdependence of teacher and student; a reflective approach to the educational process on the part of both the teacher and the students.
Student-centered learning requires an ongoing process of reflection (introspection and self-esteem). Teachers and students regularly review their teaching methods and assimilation of competence, thereby stimulating critical thinking and personal skills. Students are given the opportunity to control their own learning. They are given the opportunity to participate in the development of educational programs, academic disciplines and in their assessment. The point of student-centered learning is to create learning opportunities. The student-centered approach places a great responsibility on the student, encourages him to think, process materials, analyze and solve problems.
Key words: student-centered learning, the concept of student-centered learning, principles and methods of student-centered learning, the system of expected learning outcomes, life skills and competencies

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