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Гюлана Ильгар гызы Алиева
НАНА Институт Археологии, этнографии и антропологии
доктор философии по истории


Ключевые слова: Албания, городища, база колонны, оборонительные стены, Карабах

Ancient city type settlements of Lowland Karabakh
The archaeological research indicated a large number and significant density of settlements of different times on the territory of Azerbaijan, which is mainly due to the fact that there were all the necessary conditions for the emergence of settlements. The decisive condition for their emergence has always been the presence of certain material prerequisites for life, as well as the possibility of defending a given area. The analysis of archaeological materials draws a picture of life in the cities of Albania in the period of antiquity. These cities were administrative and trade and craft centers with developed money circulation. In the cities of Albania, such types of handicrafts as pottery, metallurgy and metalworking, jewelry, glass making, as well as weaving and leatherworking were developed. In their development, a significant role played the trade routes of that time passing through the territory of Albania, one of which was the waterway along the Kura River.

Keywords: Albania, Karabakh, cities, base of column, defensive walls

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