Elmi iş - 2024
Nərgiz Mövsüm qızı Hüseynli
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
Açar sözlər:Transplantasiya, donor, desipiyent, beyin ölümü, donor və resipiyentin razılığı
The concept of donor and recipient and their legal status
In the field of transplantation of human organs and tissues, the donor is a person who voluntarily donates his organs and tissues to transplant patients, and the recipient is a person who transplants organs and tissues for therapeutic purposes. It should be noted that if the donor is under 18 years of age, it is not allowed to remove organs and tissues for transplantation purposes, except for bone marrow. Also, the medical decision on transplantation is made directly to the recipient, if the recipient is considered to be under 18 years of age and legally incapable, then the information is passed on to legal representatives of the recipient. Transplantation of human organs and tissues is carried out on the basis of medical instructions in accordance with the rules of surgery. The main point is that if it is not possible to save human life or restore health through other medical methods and through corpse organs and tissues, then the recipient is allowed to transplant organs and tissues from the donor.
Key words: Transplantation, Donor, Recipient, Brain Death, Donor and Recipient Consent
Baxış: 762