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Gülbəniz Hacıbaba qızı Mehdiyeva
Bakı Slavyan Universiteti
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, baş müəllim


Açar sözlər: çaylar, morfemlər, coğrafi adlar, müasir areal, hidronimlər, onomastika 

Ancient rivers of the Albanian country by Musa Kalankatuklu's work "History of Alban"

Most of the onomastic units mentioned in the written monuments of ancient times are valuable sources in terms of studying the past, language, lifestyle, ethnogenesis, ethnography of our people today. While these monuments are important in terms of clarifying historical realities and shedding light on obscure issues, on the other hand, their study is politically important in modern times. At a time when our hated neighbors are looking at our lands and making historical distortions, the study of onomastic units in ancient monuments – toponyms, anthroponyms, oronyms, hydronyms, etc. – can be a convincing answer to baseless fabrications. It should be noted that we come across information and explanations about each of these hydronyms in scientific and historical sources written from ancient times to the present day, and the core of each of them is of Azerbaijani-Turkish origin. The monument involved in the study names countless water bodies associated with the territory of Azerbaijan. They are also very valuable in terms of studying the lexical and semantic development of our language. We come across information and explanations about each of these hydronyms in scientific and historical sources written from ancient times to the present day. One of the hydronyms directly connected with the territory of Azerbaijan in the source is the Caspian Sea. Books and articles about the Caspian Sea give it different names and etymological-linguistic analysis of the word Caspian. Another hydronym mentioned in the source is Tartar river. The article provides extensive information about the Tartar River in terms of its geographical structure. The hydronym Tartar is given in Arabic, Russian, Georgian and ancient Turkic sources with different phonetic structure. The name of the Urdun River is mentioned several times in the source.
However, it should be noted that the Urdun River flows not in the Albanian country, but in the Middle East, and most of it flows in the territory of modern Jordan. Although the explanation of some of the hydronyms included in the ancient Caucasian Albanian territory in the source is convincing, the exact explanation of many ancient hydronyms still remains controversial. One example of such controversial hydronyms is the Urdun River. The last hydronym mentioned in the article is Goycha river. Extensive geographical, historical, etymological interpretations and linguistic analysis of the hydronym are given. 

Key words: river, morphemes, geographical names, modern areal, hydronyms, onomastic 

Baxış: 801