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Afag Aliyeva

Nakhchivan State University

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology


Conservation Methods of Some Brassicaceae Burnett. Species in the Flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Considering Global Climate Change



The article discusses the impact of drought on the development of wild species of the Brassicaceae Burnett. family in the flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the ways to solve this problem. Researches were conducted in the direction of climate change of wild species of the Brassicaceae Burnett. family, which are distributed in Babek, Kangarli, Julfa, Ordubad, Shahbuz regions of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, starting from the lowland region to the high mountain arches. The amount of precipitation in the plains is less than in the highlands and the annual temperature is higher. Considering these features, plains have been the center of attention. Plants belonging to the Brassicaceae Burnett. family (mostly belonging to the mesophyte type ecological group), which are distributed in water edges, wetlands, wetlands, meadows and agricultural areas, are exposed to drought stress more than species distributed in other ecological environments. The bioecological and geographical (phenophase, height, life form, ecological group, altitude zone and ecological environment) characteristics of these plants are tabulated. As the effects of drought are expected to increase in the future due to global climate change, more sustainable approaches are recommended in this area.

Keywords: climate change, Brassicaceae Burnett., species, plant, mesophyte

Baxış: 150