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Sevinj Musayeva

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

Dursun Aliyeva

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

Gunel Aghazade

Azerbaijan State Agrarian University

Master student


Evaluation of Protein and Some Morphological Indicators in

Wheat Samples of Different Ploidy



Wheat is second only to corn, with an annual production of 650 million tons it is the most cultivated cereal plant. 25 % of the world's agricultural land is wheat used for plant cultivation. From ancient times to the present day, wheat has been the daily food requirement of the population as the main food crop, occupying one of the most important places in payment. The basis of human nutrition is bread made from soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) flour and bakery products made from durum wheat (T. durum Desf.). It consists of various cereals, pasta, and other food products. Productivity increases by creating productive varieties with high quantitative and qualitative indicators it is possible. Acceleration of selection processes and initial material for creation, the quality indicators of the grains are high. This protein is genetic during the selection of foundation forms the use of markers is appropriate. All agronomic, yield, yield-related, and quality traits on plant and plot basis were recorded from the two middle rows units. Plant-based data were collected from randomly selected and representative 10 plants in the plot while, the plot-based data were collected from the whole harvestable plot. Agronomical traits include plant height, spike length, number of spikelets per spike, number of seeds per spike, seed weight per spike, thousand kernel weight, plant density, and grain protein content. This research was conducted in the grain and leguminous field laboratory of the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University between 2022 and 2023. Phenological observations from the outlet. It was carried out according to Kuperman from the beginning to the full ripening phase. The article on the genetics of some wheat samples with different ploidy studies of diversity based on phenology signs and gliadin proteins and the results obtained are dedicated to comparison.

Keywords: grain quality, gluten, protein content, morphological index, wheat plant

Baxış: 138