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Muhammad Abdullaev
O‘zbekiston Davlat jahon tillari Universiteti

Қысқаша мазмұны
Maqolada Ubaydiyning yoshlik yillari ko‘proq Buxoroda o‘tganligi, u otasining yolg‘iz farzandi ekani tarixiy manbalar asosida aytilgan. Ubaydiy o‘z davrining etuk olimlaridan ta’lim-tarbiya oladi. Arab va fors tillarini mukammal o‘zlashtirib, Amir Abdulloh YAmaniy, Xoja Muhammad Sadr singari o‘z davrining etuk allomalaridan ilm oladi. Ayniqsa, Qur’oni karimga kuchli muhabbati va qiziqishi yosh paytidan ko‘zga tashlanib, o‘zi ta’kidlaganidek, uni yod oladi.
Kalit so’zlar: Ubaydiy, mumtoz adabiyot, hikmatlar, g’azal

About the conversation of the sages
The article says that Ubaidi spent most of his youth in Bukhara and that he was the only child of his father, according to historical sources. Ubaydi was educated by the leading scientists of his time. Fluent in Arabic and Persian, he studied with prominent scholars of his time such as Amir Abdullah Yemeni and Khoja Muhammad Sadr. His strong love and interest in the Qur'an, in particular, was evident from a young age and, as he put it, he remembered it.
Key words: Ubaidi, classical literature, proverbs, gazelles

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