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Rahilə Mirzəli qızı Məmmədova
Mingəçevir Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: nitq, nitq inkişafı, təlim, nitq mədəniyyəti, lügət işi, fonetik norma, cümlə

Ways to develop student speech
Speech is not only directly involved in the creation of human mental activity, but also forms its basis. Students also acquire knowledge of foreign objects and events by mastering perfect speech.
Schooling has a special role to play in increasing students' opportunities and resources for speech development.
The concept of speech development should be implemented in four directions:
1. To enrich the vocabulary of students;
2. To develop the habits of students;
3. To develop students' communication skills;
4. To develop students' reading skills.
The model of the teacher plays an important role in the development of students' speech. In Azerbaijani language and literature classes, the teacher's speech (expressive reading, narration, report, speech, dialogue, etc.) has a strong impact on students. Orthoepic requirements must be taken into account during speech development. These requirements bring naturalness, fluidity, vitality to speech, enhance its aesthetic effect and help to easily grasp the idea.
The main unit of speech is considered to be the sentence. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the development of students' skills of correct sentence construction. Sentence-building skills are practiced from the first grade, and these skills are developed and strengthened as students move from class to class.
Key words: speech, speech development, training, speech culture, vocabulary work, phonetic norm, sentence

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