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Mehriban Zeynal qızı Hacızadə
Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti


Açar sözlər: slenq, morfem, termin, ünsiyyət, cəmiyyət   

Slangs as a Special Group of Words
In modern times, the processes in the world have affected the field of linguistics as well as all other fields.These processes require a diffferent approach to issues related to the use of specific word groups. Over time, language develops and changes occur at all levels. Taking into consideration that the main function of language is a means of communication between people, all changes should be taken into account to make the function more convenient and more suitable. Some of the processes that take place in the language are directly related to the speech process, and ends with getting the gradual normative status of variants in the speech of native speakers. Native speakers use some expressions that gained and didn’t gain status of norms in their speech. They use specific word groups to make their speech more specific and expressive. These word groups are used by some groups of people for special goals. Slangs are new meaningful words used in different social groups. Slangs are presented as non-literary concept. Slangs are various and colorful according to their tones. 

Key words: slang, morphem, term, communication, society 

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