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Mehriban Qasım qızı Ələsgərova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: kommunikasiya, nitq, mətn, epos, personaj, nitq aktı 

Mutual speech influence and speech passages in epos texts

In this article one can notice changing of communication participants, substitution of narrators with personage speeches, their mutual influences on each other as well. The problem mentioned here is going to be investigated on the basis of epos materials, and for solving this problem the epos of “The Book of Dada Gorgud” and the anglosacs “Beowulf” texts were used by us here. The artistic text is playing the rode of realization of an artistic text. At this stage communication goes through the line of author-reader, together with this, in any text dealing with the occurance or the topic shows the participants taking part there. The author is also giving the speeches of participants in the process of the formation of a text. In the end in artistic text one can meet the speeches of the narrators (ozan, skop in epos) and the personages as well. In the process of text formation there will be  mutual influence between these speech forms. In most cases the narrator’s speech will serve for concretizing of continuation and succession of the occurances and within this draws up the ozan-reader dialogue of course.

Key words: communication, speech, text, epos, personage, speech act

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [198,33 Kb] (yüklənib: 18)

Baxış: 516
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