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Ұлжан Жолдасова
Н.Оңдасынов атындағы “Дарын” мектеп-интернаты


Кілт сөздер: қазақ прозасы, прозадағы лиризм, көркем метафора, көркем образ, кейіпкер психологиясы

Lyrism In Kazakh Prose
The article tells about the work of Zh. Aimautov, who is considered the pinnacle of Kazakh prose. In each of his works it is clear that the prose of Zh. Aimautov, apart from the usual prose, has a strong poetic power. The writer presented melodic, melodic works that give the reader a deep emotional, expressive effect. Through the works of Zh. Aimautov, a new form of lyricism was introduced into Kazakh prose. The works that are central to the article are aimed at explaining the lyricism in prose.

Key words: Kazakh prose, lyricism in prose, artistic metaphor, artistic image, psychology of character

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [151,9 Kb] (yüklənib: 20)

Baxış: 621
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