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Açar sözlər: müəllimin rolu, ənənəvi müstəvidə müəllim, müasir müstəvidə müəllim

The role of the teacher in education: traditional and modern
The teacher prepares the learning process in such a way that, if possible, all students participate in it, and they manage the process themselves. Involving all students in the teaching process, arousing their interest in the lesson, building the lesson in accordance with their wishes and desires increases the teacher's sense of responsibility and he becomes an observer of the learning process. In traditional training, the requirements were not very wide, as the teacher gave more theoretical knowledge and the students listened. However, in active learning, the teacher must have a broader knowledge, use different resources, develop their competencies, and constantly learn. Only on the basis of such activity can a teacher guide students correctly. The teacher must learn different theories, approaches, methods in order to use them correctly in the learning process. Thus, we see that in traditional learning and active learning, the tasks, functions, and work of the teacher differ from each other. The requirements for the teaching profession are changing and updated in accordance with the requirements of each period. Therefore, the teacher must constantly improve himself.

Key words: the role of the teacher, the teacher at the traditional level, the teacher at the modern level

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