2024 Teyyub Arıx oğlu Quliyev
AMEA Nəsimi adına Dilçilik İnstitutu
Jalə Elman qızı Qəniyeva
Bakı Slavyan Universiteti
Açar sözlər: qədim yazılı abidələr, folklor, somatik ifadələr, frazeoloji vahidlər, atalar sözləri, dilçilik
Sources of somatic expressions in modern Azerbaijani language
Just as somatic expressions, phraseological compounds are rich in the lexical structure of the Azerbaijani language, their history is also ancient. This is due to both the ethnic outlook of the people and the language's ability to fully incorporate creative thinking. A lot of research has been done on the formation of phraseological compounds in Azerbaijani linguistics, some notes have been made about the sources of phraseological compounds. During our research, we came across the opinions of linguists based on their observations on monuments such as Orkhon-Yenisey, Kitabi-Dada Gorgud, Divani-dictionary-it-Turk. According to their research, in ancient times the number of phraseological combinations becomes less than in our modern language. Some of the phraseological combinations, especially those formed on the basis of key words belonging to the Turkic languages (ie, the noun in the formation of the phraseological unit) have a more ancient history. Based on written monuments, we can say that the vast majority of the phraseological fund belonging to the historical antiquities consists of phraseological combinations, somatic expressions formed by the names of body parts. The language of folklore materials, like monuments such as Orkhon-Yenisey, Kitabi-Dada Gorgud, Divani-lughat-it-turk, is a very rich source for the study of phraseological combinations, including somatic expressions. This includes phraseological materials in the language of bayats, riddles, proverbs and parables, tales and epics that preserve ancient traces.
As a result of our research, we came to the conclusion that the fact that the phraseological units used in the Azerbaijani language, including somatic expressions, have such an ancient history is proof that the phraseological layer of our language was formed in ancient times.
Key words: ancient written monuments, folklore, somatic expressions, phraseological units, proverbs, linguistics
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