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ADPU nəzdində Pedaqoji Kollec


Açar sözlər: özünütəhlil, özünütənzimləmə, təhsil, motivasiya, məqsəd, nəticə, peşə hazırlığı, yeni təhsil standartları 

The motivation for success, self-regulation, and educational success

There is a significant increase in society's interest in the realization of human intellectual, personal and creative potential as the main source of achievements, which is the basis for the progressive formation of a high-tech society. The achievements of adolescents and young people in education are the potential of the nation and determine the competitiveness required for the further progress and formation of society. Different motivations are applied during vocational training. Among them, cognitive, professional motives, motives for creative achievement, motives for status development, motives for self-realization and material motives have a significant place.
One of the main tasks of modernizing the activities of current education, teachers, and school psychological services is to form a student who actively and independently acquires social knowledge, understands the importance of education and self-knowledge for their future life. As a subject of education, the learner is able to selectively and independently set actual and long-term goals, direct and support his activities, organize and also manage educational activities.

Key words: self-analysis, self-regulation, education, motivation, purpose, result, vocational training, new educational standards

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [140,79 Kb] (yüklənib: 24)

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