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Nəzakət Rza qızı İsmayılova
Naxçıvan Dövlət Universiteti
filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent


Açar sözlər: Naxçıvan, dramaturgiya, uşaq, ədəbiyyat, pyes, tamaşa 

The ideas of child play in the creative activities of writers from Nakhchivan


This scientific article focuses on plays written only in regard to child literature by writers from Nakhchivan. Works written by some writers such as J.Mammadguluzada, A.Abbasov, A.Yadigar, Tofig Mutallibov,  K.Agayeva, B.Iskandarli, Z.Vedili, T.Seyidov, S.Djanbakhshiyev etc are involved in research.
Plays for children are the most important field in terms of influencing child's inner world and forming child's mindset.
Considering these fact we can say that plays written by writers from Nakhchivan have great impact on the literal- aesthetical education of young generation. The dramaturgy of child and the youth has entered a new phase of development since 1960. Over these years the theme of child dramaturgy has so expanded that it has started to play a marked role in the education of young generation.In this field Puppet theatre named after Mammad Tagi Sidgi and Nakhchivan State Child theatre has immense services. Top priorities of these theatre are works written on a basis of Azerbaijan folk fairy tales. The recording of fairy tales are crucially important in this time when there is a considerable decline in book reading habits and fairy tales are getting forgotten gradually. The opportunities of this field in the enlightenment of children are extensive.

Key words: Nakhchivan, dramaturgy, child, literature, play, spectacle

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [162.38 Kb] (yüklənib: 29)

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