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Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
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Açar sözlər: pedaqoji ünsiyyət, kommunikativ, interaktiv, perseptiv komponentlər, ünsiyyət üslubu, şifahi, əyani, simvolik və kinetik vasitələri, pedaqoji ünsiyyət tərzləri 

Fundamentals of teacher communication culture

Communication is one of the most important factors in the mental and social development of a child. Only in contact with adults is it possible for children to assimilate the social and historical experience of humanity and to realize their innate ability to become representatives of the human race. The lack and limitation of communication slows down and impoverishes the development of the child. The problem of pedagogical communication is devoted to a significant number of studies, the analysis of which reveals several aspects in its study. With their help, teachers master the ways of interaction, develop sociability. Another direction is the study of the problem of mutual understanding between teachers and students. They are significant due to the fact that contact is possible only under conditions of sufficiently complete mutual understanding between the communicants, the achievement of which requires the search for certain conditions and techniques.

Keywords: pedagogical communication, communicative, interactive, perceptual components, communication style, oral, visual, symbolic and kinetic means, pedagogical communication styles

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