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AMEA Nizami Gəncəvi adına Ədəbiyyat İnstitutu
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Açar sözlər: tənqidçi fərdiyyəti, ədəbi proses, elmi-nəzəri ümumiləşdirmə, müasirlik meyarı, estetik dəyərlən-dirmə, tənqidi fikir, yeni meyillər

The main stages of Masud Aliyoglu's critical activity
The stages of development of Azerbaijani literary criticism in the twentieth century coincided with the period of political and ideological principles. It is substantial influence on aesthetic approaches is confirmed by existing research. In this sense, the study of the individual facts of criticism and the scientific and theoretical heritage of individual critics in stages creates a favorable basis for concrete conclusions. A step-by-step study of Masud Alieglu's 25-year career as a critic reveals interesting scientific and theoretical truths. The main priority goal of the article is to study the general activities of the critic and the directions of research in a unified way.    
Based on articles and opinions written in a short period of time from the late 1940s to the 1950s, he chose Masud Aliyoglu as a leading field for his literary criticism. In the later stages of development, the literary-aesthetic factors that led to the continuation and development of research on the creative problems of poetry, prose, drama and literary criticism in the 50s and 60 s and 70s were focused on the analysis of facts.
Key words: critical individuality, literary process, scientific-theoretical generalization, criterion of modernity, aesthetic evaluation, critical thinking, new trends

MƏQALƏNİ YÜKLƏ [119,78 Kb] (yüklənib: 15)

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