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Nigar Fazil Mammadova
Baku State University


Key words: contagious, lawmaking, environmental, transnational
Açar sözlər: yoluxucu, qanunverici, ətraf mühit, transmilli
Ключевые слова: контагиозный, законодательный, экологический, транснациональный

It is rare to find an environmental law development or ‘innovation’ announced or celebrated without some discussion of its transferability. Discourses of diffusion are becoming increasingly central to the way that we develop, communicate and frame environmental law ideas. And yet, this significant dimension of environmental law practice seems to have outgrown existing conceptual scaffolding and scholarly vocabularies. The concept, and intentionally unfamiliar terminology, of ‘contagious lawmaking’ creates a space for both fleshing out, and problematizing, the phenomenon of the dynamic and multi-directional transfer of environmental law ideas. 

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