Elmira Aliyeva
Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named by academician of M. Nagiyev
Ph. D. student
Nizami Zeynalov
Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named by academician of M. Nagiyev
Doctor of Chemistry
Investigation of the Properties of Smart Polymers and their Application
Today's rapidly developing technology, new and interesting materials are emerging. One of these materials is smart polymers. Smart polymers are polymer materials with special molecular structures that respond to different external effects and change shape. These polymers can change in shape, volume, or other properties in response to environmental changes. The most striking feature of smart polymers is their ability to respond directly to environmental stimuli. The shape-changing abilities of smart polymers usually occur depending on environmental factors such as heat, humidity, pH value, light or electricity. This occurs when the bonds within the polymer molecules undergo structural changes. The areas of use of smart polymers are quite wide. They play an important role in many industries such as medicine, textile, automotive, electronics and energy. Interest in smart polymers, which are frequently used in the development of drug delivery systems, biomaterials and smart materials, is increasing. Taking these into account, the presented review provides information on smart polymers, their properties and application areas.
Keywords: smart polymers, properties, application, drug delivery systems