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Gülnaz Rəfail qızı Ələsgərova
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti
hüquq üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent


Açar sözlər: söz azadlığı, nifrət nitqi, Avropa Şurasının standartları, Avropa İnsan Hüquqları Məhkəməsi, ifadənin məzmunu, zorakılığa çağırış

The concept of hate speech - a comparative analysis of the approaches of the Council of 
Europe and the European Court of Human Rights

Providing an opportunity for society to develop and progress, freedom of speech is surely one of the vital conditions for sustainable democracy. Nevertheless, freedom of speech is not an absolute right and exhaustive list of limitations are delineated by many jurisdictions. In Europe as well it is still subject to accepted restrictions designed to prohibit incitement to hatred or conflict with other human rights. This article discusses approaches to hate speech as a legitimate ground for restriction of freedom of speech. The article is dedicated to a comparative analysis of the case law of the ECHR and the provisions of the Recommendations adopted in the framework of the Council of Europe. In particular, the author tries to find a clear distinction between speech that is not welcome by the majority of society and the prohibition of hate speech. 

Key words: freedom of speech, hate speech, standards of Council of Europe, European Court on Human Rights, context of speech, call for violence 

Baxış: 647