2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Arxiv
Şeyda Tələt qızı Şixəliyeva
V.Y.Axundov adına Elmi-Tədqiqat Tibbi Profilaktika İnstitutu
biologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, baş elmi işçi
[email protected] 
Marina Rüstəm qızı İsmayıl
V.Y.Axundov adına Elmi-Tədqiqat
Tibbi Profilaktika İnstitutu
şöbə müdiri
[email protected]
Ramilə Əkbər qızı Hacıyeva
V.Y.Axundov adına Elmi Tədqiqat
Tibbi Profilaktika İnstitutu
baş elmi işçi
[email protected]
Şəfəq Yolçu qızı Mustafayeva
V.Y.Axundov adına Elmi-Tədqiqat
Tibbi Profilaktika İnstitutu
şöbə müdiri
[email protected]


Açar sözlər: koronovirus, COVİD-19, ölüm əmsalı, yaş qrupları, cins, irq, etnik mənsubiyyət

COVID-19: Analysis of epidemiological features

There have been three fatal coronavirus-related pandemics in the twenty-first century: SARS (2002), MERS (2012), and COVID-19(2019). COVID19 first appeared in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and quickly spread worldwide. COVID-19 is a transmissible viral infection that is caused by SARS-CoV-2, a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.
Epidemiological studies conducted in many countries of the world are aimed at identifying the presence of dependence of morbidity and mortality on various factors. Some of these factors are the age, sex, race or ethnicity of the patients. Analysis of published studies has revealed a significant correlation between age, gender, and ethnicity factors and the severity of the course and mortality from COVID-19, which may further contribute to the development of alternative strategic approaches to solve the global problem of coronavirus infection-SARS-CoV-2.
Key words: coronavirus, COVID 19, age qroup, case fatality rate, gender, race, ethnicity

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