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Günay Lətif qızı Rəfibəyli
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti


Açar sözlər: to get feilinin əsas mənaları, feili frazeoloji birləşmələr, to get feili ilə idiomlar, idiomların mənası, yazılı və şifahi nitq

Variety of meanings of the verb "To Get" in English
The verb to get is a matter of research in the article, which has a variety of shades of meaning. The shades of the meaning of the investigated verb, the phraseological combinations and the idioms formed from the verb “to get” have been studied widely and clearly. Many examples have been collected and translated into our native language to understand better various meanings of the verb "to get". It should be noted that we often come across the verb "to get", phrasal verbs and idioms with get in most situations. In fact, the more phraseological combinations and idioms we use in the process of communication, the more beautiful and rich our speech will be.
Truly speaking, it is impossible to study these combinations and idioms in a very short time. Learning them rapidly is not an important factor. The main thing is to be able to memorize and use them effectively   in different situations. As a result, your speech will gradually become richer and more expressive.

Key words: the main meanings of the verb to get, phrasal verbs, idioms with get, definitions of idioms, formal and informal speech.

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